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  • A video of balloon vollayball



A video of balloon vollayball

It was troublesome to sweep the floor

when I spiked and broke a balloon

with confetti in it!

Do you have an experience like that?


We are public relations department

of Shinkouen!!!


We show the scene of balloon volleyball,

whitch is a popular game in the elderly home.


Elderly people use balloon instead of 


and enjoy the game.



 Okay   |   HOoo~♪

\(^^)/     |     \(^^)/


OH.........Too poor......to explain......

Please Watch this video(^_-)-☆

Although this game is relatively safe,

We have to watch them carefully 

because they might be excited and fall down(!!!)

Balloon、 simple but great.

If it goes back to the age of paperballoon,

it may have a history of thousands of years.

Beautiful Maiko Beach,is associated with 

the creation myth of Japan.

If you close your eyes,

you may hear the voice of kids of

ancient past,

playing and laughing???

さん君と舞子ちゃんアルバム置き場 合成.png